Content and task:
- Change the blocking to spline
My reflection:
During the week, I had some difficulty converting blocking to spline. For example, I didn’t get the Settings right and the whole animation looked very strange after the conversion.
Settings for blocking:
Settings for spline:
In addition, I had another problem, when I wanted to pace the animation, I selected all the controllers and they were all keyframed, but when I moved the animation was broken. I don’t know why it happened, but the whole body looked twitching and it seemed like some keyframes got mixed up as they moved.
This week is more about reflection and polishing, because my homework needs to be redone. But for the sake of documenting the process, I’ll put it down below
Side view:
As you can see in the video below, the whole movement is stiff and looks like a robot just learning to walk, and this week I still don’t know how to deal with the wobbling of my knees. That’s why the knees are shaking up and down.
Front view:
When I reflected on it, I realized that it was a strange walk, because the knees were turned inward, and ordinary people don’t walk so strangely.